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KACCSA Class Update

**All Korean language classes are online classes

We have in-person cultural classes available. Please check the program info. for the schedule.


Korean American Cultural Center of San Antonio (KACCSA) has been offering various programs including Korean Language classes and culture classes to San Antonio community since the KACCSA opened. If you have any question or suggestion for our program, please email us at or leave your comment on our bulletin board.


Please subscribe to get our newsletter with update at the bottom of our website.

If you have any questions, please contact us.


Phone: 210-317-7157

To find out about our current classes, please check classes info under 'Classes/Programs' menu.

 KACCSA Programs

​샌안토니오 문화센터 강좌

KACCSA has been offering these classes for San Antonio community


Korean Language Classes​

(Basic Hangeul/Level 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/Advance)

Korean Reading Club


Korean Culture through Film

영화를 통한 한국문화의 이해

Youth Korean Traditional Dance

소년 한국전통무용

Adult Korean Traditional Dance

성인 한국전통무용

Korean Traditional Drum

성인 장구



Korean Cooking Class

한국 요리 강습


Home Fashion Sewing class


Pattern & Design




Flower arrangement

꽃꽂이 강습

Guitar class (Beginner/Intermediate) for youth/adult

청소년/성인 초급/중급 기타교실

One-on-One Drum

드럼 강습

Intensive Piano Chord Lesson

피아노 반주법


Youth Coding club

청소년/어린이 코딩 클럽

Youth reading & Creative writing class

청소년/어린이 리딩/창의적 글쓰기 수업

Youth Puzzle Club

청소년/어린이 퍼즐 클럽

Kids Art class

어린이 미술교실


SAT Prep

Youth Reading/Writing/Math (3rd-high schoolers)

and more

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